
Showing posts from July, 2021

How to Find the Best Ceramic Tile Designs For Your Floor

If you are still deciding on what specific design you want for your project, there are various ceramic tile designs to choose from. Before you make that final decision, take note of certain factors to consider. First, you need to ask yourself a few necessary questions. Which area do you want to put tiles on? Will it be in an area where water is likely such as in the kitchen or bathroom? Is the area prone to high levels of traffic? Will it be in an area where furniture is moved constantly? These are only a few factors to consider. With a well laid ceramic floor, you can be sure that it will last a long, long time. This means, you need to choose from certain tile designs carefully. With the right ceramic tile design, you can get one that will last years. When looking for a ceramic-tile that can fit your project, you can go to a home improvement center; a local tile house or you can browse online. This way, you'll have an idea on various textures, colors, patterns and even mater

How to Install Ceramic Wall Tile

In this home improvement do it yourself renovation post, we will cover in detail how to install ceramic wall tile.   The tools you will need for this DIY project are as follows:   ·        Notched trowel ·        Grout mixer ·        Drill ·        Dust pan ·        Medium sized bucket ·        Measuring Tape ·        Level ·        Pencil ·        Grout sponge ·        Wet tile saw ·        Ceramic tile nibblers ·        ear protectors   Ceramic tile comes in a variety of color and sizes; from 1 inch, all the way up to 18 inches. Although most people prefer using 4 inch tile on walls, the most popular size tile is 12 inches. When picking out at wall tile for a tub surround, you need to make sure that the tile is water impervious (water won't penetrate it). Tiles that are water resistant and repel water are known as semi-vitreous and impervious ceramic tiles.   Preparing the wall for installation   Ceramic tile can be installed on a variety

Bathroom Ceramic Tile - 5 Applications

  Bathroom ceramic tile is often used in five different applications. This article discusses each application and some choices you can make.   Bathroom ceramic tile in your home is both beautiful and very practical. Nothing else can match the beauty and the great variety of colours, textures, designs and shapes possible with tile construction. Especially in bathrooms, ceramic tile can't be matched as a durable and useful surface.   Tile on Counter Tops   Tile bathroom counter tops are very practical. Many times porcelain tile is used on counter tops. Porcelain tile is tile that is fired under certain conditions. The surface or finish of porcelain tile is very slick and glass-like. Because of that slick finish, porcelain tile wipes off very easily, which is great for clean-up in a bathroom. Porcelain tile comes in many types of trim shapes, suitable for trimming edges and trays in bathrooms.   But other kinds of tiles are used on bathroom counter tops. Granite and ma

Choosing Ceramic Tiles - What to Know

  If you are going to buy ceramic tiles for a ceramic tile backsplash, floor tiles, wall tiles or even ceramic tiles for ornamentation there are specific factors to know in choosing which tile is best for your application. Not all tiles are created equal and the differences can determine if your ceramic tiles will hold up to the use you are putting them. For example, low fire tiles or tiles that have only been through a bisque firing are generally less expensive but not nearly as durable as high fired tiles. Even if the tile has been glazed, it may still have only gone through one firing and very possibly only a low firing so the fact of it being glossy and colourful is no indication that the tile has the durability of a high-fired tile. Titan ceramics that has dried but not been fired, can be glazed with a low fire glaze and fired to a comparatively low temperature. Such a ceramic tile would not be suitable for certain applications. For example if you intend to use the tile for a