
Showing posts from June, 2022

Vinyl Floor Tiles - A Guided History

Background Vinyl first came into being as a light-weight and durable building material during World War II. As more and more use of this product began being discovered, vinyl entered into the commercial market with a vengeance. Today, one very important usage of this chemical is in the flooring industry in the form of vinyl floor tiles.   Manufacturing process While every manufacturer has their own proprietary formulation for producing vinyl floor tiles, in its basic avatar, the product is made by using additives to vinyl resin, such as - plasticizers, stabilizers, pigments, and fillers. Vinyl resin along with these additives is called vinyl compound in industry parlance. There are two methods of producing tiles from this compound: ·The compound is heated to a high temperature, and the liquid poured in molds ·The compound is fed through a series of rollers that gradually squeeze the material to just the gauge required for that batch. This technique is called "calenda...

Putting The Pieces Together: Interlocking Floor Tiles

F loor tiles and the process of installing them has not been as widely shared information as you might think. While there are many DIY videos you can find online, the actual process of laying down the floor tiles seems to get confusing for many people who attempt the process. However, there is a simple way around this, and that is through the use of interlocking floor tiles.   Many people assume that this speaks specifically about rubber floor tiles or even the kid mat material floor tiles that are common. In a way that is true, as these are varieties of available types, though not exclusively all there is. Child themed tiles and the rubber tiles will be discussed amongst the other types throughout this article.   In addition to just the varieties of floor tiles that exist, it will be important to give an accurate depiction of how you can judge the amount of material that you will need. Beyond this, you will get a detailed breakdown of how to put the parts and pieces toget...

Types of Ceramic Tile

According to the experts, there are three main types of ceramics, as determined by the composition of the material, and the type of firing used to make it. When you are choosing decorative ceramic tile for your home, you need to understand the difference between them, as they each have quite different properties and uses.   How are ceramics made? Ceramics are derived from a mixture of natural substances, including clay and sand. Chemically, the compounds in these substances are complex silicates. It is the elements other than silicon and oxygen that determine the properties of the ceramics that are made from them. For example, the presence of iron in the silicate causes a red-orange color. When the silicates are subjected to very high temperatures ( 900 to 1400°C ), the water present in the original compounds is driven out, allowing chemical bonding between the layers of the silicate. This gives the ceramic structural strength which the original material did not have. ...

A Guide Ceramic Tile Installation for Beginners

So you've moved into your new apartment and you find that your floor is in bad shape. So, you decide to tear out the old floor tiles and put in new ones. But beware! Ceramic tile installation is not as easy as it looks. So before you begin tearing out anything from the floor, take a few and learn more about what you need to prepare for, when starting on installing your new ceramic tiles. Here are three great tips on what to prepare for when planning your ceramic tile installation:   1) Identify what kind of floor you have - or rather, your subfloor. Knowing the kind of subfloor you'll be setting your ceramic tiles over is important. There are three main types of floors (or, subfloors), that you might encounter, when starting on your ceramic tile installation:   a. A concrete floor - Working ceramic tiles over a concrete subfloor is the most ideal, but you have to check and clean it of debris before you start. All the cracks and holes need to be repaired and filled in b...