Putting The Pieces Together: Interlocking Floor Tiles

Floor tiles and the process of installing them has not been as widely shared information as you might think. While there are many DIY videos you can find online, the actual process of laying down the floor tiles seems to get confusing for many people who attempt the process. However, there is a simple way around this, and that is through the use of interlocking floor tiles. 

Many people assume that this speaks specifically about rubber floor tiles or even the kid mat material floor tiles that are common. In a way that is true, as these are varieties of available types, though not exclusively all there is. Child themed tiles and the rubber tiles will be discussed amongst the other types throughout this article. 

In addition to just the varieties of floor tiles that exist, it will be important to give an accurate depiction of how you can judge the amount of material that you will need. Beyond this, you will get a detailed breakdown of how to put the parts and pieces together to fully renovate a room and change the look of your home quickly and easily.


The Types of Interlocking Floor Tiles 

Rubber floor tiles are very commonly used throughout school systems and in restaurants. These provide a much harder surface to slip on, even with the presence of water or other liquids. They become ideal in restaurant kitchens and gymnasiums, as these are very active environments that always involve the possibility of slipping hazards from spilled liquids or sweat. They are a cheap alternative in relation to comparable flooring options needed for these environments, which is a reason that they are so commonly used these days.

Wood floor tiles are also becoming more common as the cost of professional installation of traditional tiles increases year by year. People are becoming more inclined to do things on their own, and with the ever increasing amount of wood options regarding interlocking tiles, it is becoming something appealing to more people. This also stems far beyond just different looking woods and material types, as it also implies unique and elaborate patterns or flooring options that appear more intricately installed than it actually was. 

Child floor tiles are becoming common as well. These are often character based or themed in some way. Often they are a softer material but based in rubber. So while it has the same properties as the flooring of a gym or a restaurant kitchen, it is not so hard on bare feet. These are ideal to completely renovate the look of a child's room, and a good project that even a young child can assist with when you are comprising the floor of the room.


So How Much Do You Need?

This can be a tricky part of the process, and it involves you already having a clear idea in your mind about what particular type and style of floor tiles that you are going with. This will allow you the opportunity to deduce how you might have to cut or trim pieces to fit around edges, and determine a precise amount of material needed to complete the project. 

Often this is just determining the surface area of the room itself. If it is a square room, you simply take the length of the room in feet and multiply it by the width. This will give you the area of the room in feet, which is the standard of ordering tiles. If the room is oddly shaped, you can divide it into sections and determine area. Then simply add the amounts together as you determine them. The same goes for flooring several rooms or parts of the home.

Just take the area of the entire flooring space and then divide the size of the individual flooring tile. Once you have a rough estimate of the flooring tiles needed by this math breakdown, you should add in a few more floor tiles just to have a few extra for cuts or corrections. If they come in bundles or sets, simply choose the one closest to your amount without going under your original projection of needed tiles.


Putting The Pieces Together

It cannot be reasonable to assume that one could detail how all types of floor tiles can be put together. While the premise is usually the same, there are differences in types and styles of tiles that could make an overall explanation confusing to some. However, you should know and appreciate that these are made for simplicity. These kinds of floor tiles and options were designed for the amateur do-it-yourself homeowner looking to quickly and easily renovate.

In many cases you need to remove whatever flooring existed there before and get down to the base of whatever is in the floor. If you have carpeted floors for instance, you will want to remove this carpeting and the padding that exists often just below the carpet to get to concrete or plywood at the base of it all. Clean this surface to make it as smooth and even as possible, as this can cause your tiles to look uneven if you do not.

Some prefer to start along the perimeter and work in, but this could be where a lot of the confusion and error comes into play. You would want all cuts and shorter pieces of tiles along the outer edges and concealed into the wall. So you should choose one side of room and one wall in particular to start from and work out fully from this point. That means if you are starting on a west wall, you would be moving east but extending your progress to reach both the north and south walls as you progress.

This will likely get you into some of your cuts and trimmings of the floor tiles, and you can see quickly the amount of these that you will need on the north and south walls as you move along. You can simply make all the cuts of the tiles at once or as needed. As you reach the east wall, you should be able to see what floor tiles you will need and ideally how to position and cut them to look the best.

Basically this is just a grand do-it-yourself project that can easily improve the look of your home. Renovations with interlocking floor tiles is not a new thing, and is increasingly growing in popularity. With as many tiles like this that exist now, it would be hard not to find a set of floor tiles that could vastly improve the look of almost any room in your home.


Visit my site titanceramics.in for more information on floor tiles!


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